Red Dress Medicine
This dream:
a big, great, huge, seminal dream
came bearing the gift of redress, of repair
I am in a dark space
so dark there is no distinction between the walls and the sky
There is no floor
but there must be
because I seem to be standing,
watching in amazement
There is a red dress dancing before me
It moves as if there is a woman inside
but there is no one there
. . . dancing, swaying, twirling so gracefully
Such a magical grace!!
I’m the witness!
I receive it as it becomes clear to me:
I have discovered Red Dress Medicine!
Dance in the Red Dress and be healed!
The Dress itself is medicine for the soul of women!
I am struck dumb but enlightened and delighted
. . . overjoyed to be visited by the gift
After watching this dance for . . . what feels like hours . . .
I hear a woman’s deep voice, chanting:
Medicine . . .
Red Dress Medicine . . .
She’s emphatic
She wants me to understand, insisting I remember
She repeats loudly, her voice escalating, urgent,
She’s a teacher, urging me:
I wake in the dark, exhausted but willing to remember, to write
while this woman’s voice is still bombilating through me
I write: Red Dress.
I go to my painting box, pull bright red and a brush and make it something living
Redress: making something right
Something that was wrong is made right
In the dreamtime
there are reparations being made
How, now, then to we bring these to life?